It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? Reading Power – Reflecting and Refining


It’s Monday and I’m happy to be participating in a weekly event with a community of bloggers who post reviews of books that they have read the previous week. Check out more IMWAYR posts here: Jen from Teach Mentor Texts and Kellee and Ricki from Unleashing Readers

Reading Power – 1st Edition 2006 Pembroke (Canada)/ Stenhouse (US)
Reading Power_2nd ed.comp 5
Reading Power 2nd Edition Fall 2015 (fingers crossed!) Pembroke (Canada)/Stenhouse (US)

Well I have to admit that my picture book reading has been minimal these past few weeks because I’ve been busy reading (and re-reading and re-reading!) my own book!   After nearly 10 years since it was first released, I am in the process of writing the 2nd edition of Reading Power.  Ten years????  Really???  It’s hard to believe it’s been that long since Reading Power was launched into the world!  From it’s start on a napkin in my friend’s kitchen to now – a lot has changed!   It is a very interesting process to go back to my own book and read my original thoughts and ideas about Reading Power when it was just in the beginning stages.  After so many years of teaching and talking about Reading Power, much of my thinking has evolved.  Some of the things I deemed as important then are not as important now, while other things are.  While the basic foundation remains, there is a lot of new thinking and new ideas about purpose and pedagogy.  As I like to tell teachers in my workshops – best practice evolves from reflecting and refining.  And that is just what I hope this 2nd edition is going to be – reflecting and refining my thinking about comprehension instruction and what we, as teachers, can do to help our students develop as thinkers of text as well as decoders of text. Yes, it is still all about thinking!  So I am busy writing new lessons, creating new templates, and, of course, updating my list of anchor books for each strategy (my favorite part!)  My deadline to finish?  July 10th!  Wish me luck!

Hopefully the 2nd edition will be released sometime this fall!  I’ll keep you posted!

Thanks for stopping by!

This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. Linda Baie

    I do wish you good luck, Adrienne. To re-think one’s earlier words is quite a challenge, I imagine. Let us know when it’s ready!

  2. Adrienne Gear

    Thanks, Linda! It’s an interesting process! I will let you know when it’s ready!

  3. Cheriee Weichel

    Looking forward to the new edition Adrienne. Over at Dickens we are hoping to book you for a writing power workshop in the fall some time. How can I contact you?

  4. carriegelson

    July 10th! Oh wow. Good luck. Ten years – I can’t believe it!

  5. Myra GB

    Congratulations Adrienne! Have fun writing the second edition.

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