Reading Power: Transform – Printable Template Bundle
- $8.95
Reading Power: Transform - Printable Template Bundle
Included in this bundle are Key Phrases for Transform, a wide variety of reproducible Transform templates for both Fiction and Nonfiction texts, two Transform songs, assessment rubrics, and report card assessment comments for Transform. Also included are a parent information sheet, a Transform home reading sheet, and a Transform bookmark.
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Reading Power: Infer – Printable Template Bundle
- $8.95
Reading Power: Infer - Printable Template Bundle
Included in this section is a wide variety of black line templates that will provide many opportunities for your students to practice inferring with both fiction and nonfiction texts. There are several different versions of the O.W.I. (Observe – Wonder – Infer) including one that can be used for weekly OWI photographs.
Also included is the INFER song, an assessment rubric and report card comments, INFER parent information sheet, a home reading sheet, and an INFER bookmark.
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Reading Power: Visualize – Printable Template Bundle
- $8.95
Reading Power: Visualize - Printable Template Bundle
Included in this collection, you will find a wide variety of reproducible templates that students can use to apply the strategy of VISUALIZING.
Also included are two Visualizing songs, assessment rubrics and report card comments, Visualize information sheet for parents, a home reading sheet, and a Visualize bookmark.
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Reading Power: Question – Printable Template Bundle
- $8.95
Reading Power: Question - Printable Template Bundle
Included in this set are a wide variety of reproducible blackline master templates which provide students with an opportunity to practice and apply the strategy of Questioning to both fiction and nonfiction texts.
Also included are the Question song, Question assessment rubrics, and Question report card comments, Parent information sheet, Question Home Reading Page, and Question bookmark.
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Reading Power: Connect – Printable Template Bundle
- $8.95
Reading Power: Connect
Printable Template Bundle
Included in this bundle are many variations of reproducible templates for supporting and practicing the strategy of making connections using both fiction and nonfiction texts. Also included are: the Connect song, Connect information page for Parents, Home Reading Sheet, Connect bookmark, connect rubrics and report card comments.
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Reading Power Poster (Version B)
- $10.00
Reading Power Poster
Version B
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Reading Power Poster (Version A)
- $10.00
Reading Power Poster
Version A
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Nonfiction Writing Power
- $32.95
Nonfiction Writing Power
Nonfiction writing is important in a student's school life and it is important - a skill that they will use throughout their lives. The majority of our daily reading and writing experience is made up of nonfiction, and students are writing nonfiction long before they are taught how to do it in the classroom. Nonfiction Writing Power is designed to help teachers develop a writing program that focuses on the different forms of nonfiction writing.
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Writing Power
- $32.95
Writing Power
Teaching Writing Strategies that Engage Thinking
Writing Power is a practical and thoughtful resource that shows teachers how to encourage students to consider the reader's thinking as they write. Using the same five thinking strategies from Adrienne Gear's groundbreaking Reading Power books Connect, Question, Visualize, Infer, and Transform young writers will learn how to engage and invite their readers' thinking through their writing.
Writing Power guides teachers through a series of lessons focusing on each of the strategies and includes scripted, sequential lessons, recommended anchor books, reproducibles, and assessment rubrics.
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Powerful Understanding
- $32.95
Powerful Understanding
Helping Students Explore, Question, and Transform Their Thinking about Themselves and the World Around Them
In these challenging times, teaching children to think critically and reflectively AND be compassionate, responsible, and caring citizens at the same time is a tall order.
Powerful Understanding explores effective ways to build social-emotional skills and help students make connections, question what they read, and reflect on their learning as they develop into stronger readers and learners. Strategic and critical thinking strategies revolve around core anchor books that help integrate thinking into everything you teach - from social responsibility to immigration, to life cycles.
This highly readable book includes a wealth of classroom examples and extensive hands-on activities designed to help students to think more deeply, learn more widely, and develop a more powerful understanding of what it means to be a responsible and compassionate person.
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Powerful Writing Structures
- $32.95
Powerful Writing Structures: Brain Pocket Strategies to Support a Year-Long Writing Program
This timely book uses thinking structures to deepen student writing.
Powerful Writing Structures revolves around “brain pockets” to help students become familiar with the qualities of different writing forms. They learn to access memory pockets for personal writing, fact pockets for writing nonfiction, and imagination pockets for story writing. Based on extensive classroom testing, this comprehensive approach to developing a balanced year-long writing program includes tips for implementing weekly writing practice, effective mini-lessons, and using different forms of writing in the content areas. From writing goals to writing joy, Powerful Writing Structures helps teachers guide students through the skills, the structures, the language, and the beauty of effective writing.- Buy Now
Powerful Readers
- $32.95
Powerful Readers
Thinking Strategies to Guide Literacy Instruction in Secondary Classrooms
At any age or grade level, powerful readers are those who are aware of their thinking as they read. Presenting a balance of theory and practical lessons, Powerful Readers demonstrates that instruction in the key strategies of connecting, visualizing, questioning, inferring, determining importance, and transforming can help students develop their reading skills and get more out of their work with fiction and nonfiction. Step-by-step lessons for introducing and using the strategies, connections to literary devices, and reading lists for each strategy are all part of this valuable resource.
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